From the Kauppi Campus -News from the WAIMH Central Office

Dear colleagues,

2015 has been a year of unrest in large areas of the world. Due to armed conflicts and also difficult climate conditions the amount of people looking for safety and better living conditions has grown. In many countries governments and ordinary people have been forced to figure out how to help those in need. In these situations it is easy to get fearful of change and of people coming from other countries and cultures. We in WAIMH have a great opportunity now to promote understanding and sharing of experiences and emotions in order to support and protect infants and parents in dire conditions. Our network is already large and quite global, and when we launch our social media presence, we will encourage you to speak for infants, very young children and families.

One of the ways for increasing understanding and respect between us is meeting each other and sharing our research and clinical experiences during our WAIMH Congress. The 15th World Congress of WAIMH will be held in beautiful Prague in the Czech Republic from May 29 to June 2, 2016. The theme of the World Congress is Infant Mental Health in a Rapidly Changing World: Conflict, Adversity and Resilience. The plenary presentations reflect the theme and are right on target. Come and learn how and what to do with or on behalf of infants, very young children and families under stress. Come share your experiences with other colleagues from around the world and increase our joint understanding of infant mental health.

Those of you planning to submit a presentation will be happy to know that the deadline for Abstract Submissions has been extended to October 30, 2015.

This Congress will be unique in many ways. The Local Organising Committee has 15th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health May 29 – June 2, 2016 | Clarion Congress Hotel Prague | Czech Republic | Theme – Infant Mental Health in a rapidly changing world: Confl ict, adversity, and resilience Abstract submission deadline has been extended until 30th October 2015! tal Health orld: 15! members from both Israel and Palestinian Authority, bringing Near East to Prague. Organizing the 15th WAIMH Congress has been a bit more challenging than usual, since the local organizing committee (LOC), the Professional Congress Organizer (Guarant) and the WAIMH Central Office are all situated in different locations. Thanks to modern technology and video connections everything is being readied for a great WAIMH experience in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Hoping to see as many of you as possible in Prague and through WAIMH social media in the future!


From the Kauppi Campus -News from the WAIMH Central Office


Kaukonen, Pälvi, Executive Director,,
Puura, Kaija, Associate Executive Director,
Sorsa, Minna, Administrative Assistant,
Tampere, Finland

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