It is especially thought-provoking to understand that every infant and family is affected by forces far beyond their reach, forces that may strengthen or hinder social, emotional and relational health. A truly global organization, the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) invites professionals from around the world to contribute to its quarterly, open-source publication, Perspectives in Infant Mental Health, offering insights into the ways of seeing and being and working in diverse contexts, cultures and communities with infants, very young children and their families.

Our shared hope is that Perspectives will offer a space for interesting observations and articles around the world that promote reflection and interdisciplinary discussion. We publish Perspectives quarterly throughout the year. An open-source publication, members and others interested in infants and infant mental health have access to current and archived issues.

In the spirit of sharing new perspectives, we welcome your manuscripts. Manuscripts are accepted throughout the year. Articles are reviewed by the Editors, all of whom are committed to identifying authors from around the world and assisting them to best prepare their papers for publication.

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Submission Categories

  1. Research Papers (max 3000 words, including references)
  2. Clinical Papers (max 3000 words, including references)
  3. Professional Development (max 3000 words, including references)
  4. Community Voices (max 800 words, including references)
  5. Letters (max 800 words, including references)
  6. Opinion pieces/Policy/Advocacy (max 1000 words, including references)
  7. Book Review (max 800 words, including references)

Submission Guidelines

APA 7th Edition.

12-point font.

1.5 or double-spaced.

All in-text citations, references, tables, and figures to be in APA 7th Edition format.

Papers with tables and figures: Please submit the paper as a Word-format document with separate files attached for each table and/or figure.

We welcome photos of babies and families. All photos need to be sent in a separate file with a resolution of at least 72 pixels/inch. All photos need to include:

  • A permission statement from the author/s for WAIMH to publish the photo in Perspectives and on all WAIMH printed and online platforms.
  • A photo credit (if known).

All research papers must contain the Ethics Approval Reference Number and Ethics Approval Body Name.


To inquire about Perspectives in Infant Mental Health or to submit articles, please contact:

Jane Barlow (DPhil, FFPH Hon) (Editor-in-Chief)