Special Issue: Call for Papers on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

The WAIMH publication, Perspectives in Infant Mental Health will publish a special issue devoted to the topic of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and their impact on Infant Mental Health. We plan to publish this special in September 2019 as part of our Summer issue.

We welcome contributions that explore different elements of the relationship between infant and early childhood Infant Mental Health and ACES. Contributions can include:

  • Original papers;
  • Profiling a previously published paper;
  • Paper reviews;
  • Book reviews; and
  • Clinical papers about grass roots practice issues.

Submission format:

Paper format: We use APA (sixth ed), 12-point font, double spaced, word format, length should not exceed 20 pages, however, this is negotiable between the editors and the authors.

As an online publication, a photo is always welcome to accompany an article. Please provide photos and tables in separate files with at least 72 pixels. All photos need to include a stated permission for WAIMH to use the photo.

The deadline for submissions is: 1 July 2019.
Edit (July 2nd): The deadline has been extended. The new deadline for submissions is 31 July, 2019.

Please submit you papers to Maree Foley (Editor of Perspectives) by email to: maree.foley@xtra.co.nz


Maree Foley, Associate Editor, Switzerland/New Zealand, maree.foley@xtra.co.nz