The Infant Mental Health Journal: Three Important Publications

The Infant Mental Health Journal (IMHJ) announces three issues of relevance to research and practice in the WAIMH community.

The first publication, Special Issue: New Approaches to Classifying Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (Volume 37, Issue 5), September-October 2016, is co-edited by Antoine Guedeney and Charles Zeanah. All of the articles address the recently revised and expanded classification system, Diagnostic Classification for Infants and Young Children (0-5). The revision was chaired by Charley Zeanah with committee members Alice S. Carter, Julie Cohen, Helen Egger, Mary Margaret Gleason, Miri Keren, Alicia Lieberman, Kathleen Mulrooney and Cindy Oser. Contributors to the IMHJ include members of the ZERO TO THREE and WAIMH communities.

The second issue, Advances in Reflective Supervision and Consultation: Pushing Boundaries and New Ideas into Training and Practice (Volume 37, Issue 6), November-December 2016, is co-edited by guest editors, Joy D. Osofsky and Deborah J. Weatherston. The articles in this issue offer a variety of perspectives on reflective practice from research faculty and practitioners who work in different settings and represent a variety of cultures and disciplines including psychiatry, education, psychology, pediatrics, and social work. Authors include: Joshua Sparrow, Mary Claire Heffron, Christopher Watson, Alexandra Harrison, and Astrid Berg, among others.

The third volume, Psychology of Boys at Risk: Indicators from Birth to Five, is co-edited by Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Paul Golding and Marvin McKinney. This issue of the Infant Mental Health Journal directs the reader to evidence pointing to biopsychosocial factors that elevate risk for poor developmental outcomes for boys from the antenatal period to postnatal age 5.  Research, practice, and policy articles collectively challenge the extent to which infant mental health researchers, practitioners, and policy makers are attuned to the vulnerabilities of boys during the earliest years of development.  The special issue, to be published in Spring of 2017 (Volume 38, Issue 2) includes contributors such as Allan Schore, Daniel Shaw, Iheoma Iruka, Hiram Fitzgerald, Natasha Cabrera, Leon Puttler, Paul Golding, Carolyn Dayton,  Marjorie Beeghley, Deborah Weatherston, Paul Golding, Marvin McKinney, and Michelle Sarche.  These original articles are expanded versions of papers presented at the 2014 Santa Fe conference on Boys at Risk, which was organized and supported by the Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation.

Note: WAIMH members receive the IMHJ (print and/or on-line) at a special subscription rate. To subscribe to the IMHJ as a WAIMH member or to renew your subscription today: (insert link here)


The Infant Mental Health Journal: Three Important Publications



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