This is a special issue of the Signal, since it will be posted to all current and former members of WAIMH. The Signal has a new editorial board, you can see members at page two in this Signal.
The WAIMH Central office is also proud to bring you news of two members being honored. MI-AIMH has honored Hiram Fitzgerald by naming their recently announced award for emerging scholars and researchers the “Hiram E. Fitzgerald Emerging Scholar/Researcher Award”. Past-President of WAIMH, Professor Tuula Tamminen received a medal of honor from the Finnish President Tarja Halonen.
The election for the new Board members was carried out, for the first time. electronically. The system worked well and was cost-effective. Altogether 297 out of 925 members 2008/09 took part. The office wants to thank everybody involved.
WAIMH hosts a World Congress every two years, each in a different country. our 12th World Congress will be in Leipzig, Germany in 2010. The abstract submissions will be open from August 2009 until the end of october 2009. The theme of the Congress is “Infancy in Times of Transition”. For more information, please visit you can also contact the Associate Executive Director for WAIMH World Congresses, Dr Kaija Puura, at See pages 28-29 for more information.
WAIMH also hosts Regional Conferences. our next Regional Conference will be in Acre, Israel in 8-10 September 2009. The theme of the Conference is ”Updates on Interventions in Infant Mental Health”.
For more information, visit WAIMH web-site or e-mail
For more information see page 31.
We have altogether 930 individual WAIMH members in 2008 or 2009. yet, only about 450 have registered for this year. Please go to and renew your membership online.
WAIMH also has affiliate members. For the affiliates we plan to update the affiliate web-pages after the summer season. We also plan to develop a calendar of events on the web-pages.
And last but not least, the new Central office has been very busy! We receive e-mails to We are sorry if responding to some mails is prolonged due to the transfer and summer vacations. All e-mails will be replied to in due course.
Information and news from the Central Office
Kaukonen, Pälvi,
Executive Director of WAIMH
Sorsa, Minna,
Administrative Assistant