From the Field: Infant Mental Health Journal

The Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health and WAIMH invite you to consider subscribing to the world renowned Infant Mental Health Journal, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the infant mental health field and an international focus through research articles, literature reviews, program descriptions, clinical studies, and book reviews.  Below is an abstract of one article from the first issue of this year:

Through the Eyes of a New Dad: Experiences of First-Time Fathers of LatePreterm Infants, Infant Mental Health Journal , Vol. 36(1), 78-87 (2015)

By Karen M Benzies, University of Calgary, Canada and Joyce Magill-Evans, University of Alberta, Canada

ABSTRACT: Fathers of late-preterm (34–36 weeks’ gestation) infants may experience challenges in parenting. Late-preterm infants are more irritable. The unexpected early birth of an infant may negatively affect fathers’ cognitive and emotional experiences. The Father–Infant Interaction Program (FIIP) is a video-modeled play intervention that aims to increase fathers’ sensitivity and responsiveness to infant cues. Using data from a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate FIIP, the purpose of the present study was to explore the experiences of first-time fathers of late-preterm infants and their perceptions of the intervention. We conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with 85 fathers of 8-month-old infants during the outcome home visit for the RCT and thematically analyzed data. Three main themes about fathers’ experiences emerged: Fathers believed they had the “best job in the world,” yet saw fathering as the “biggest job ever.” Fathers viewed fatherhood as an opportunity for personal growth and reflected on how their lives had changed since the arrival of their infant. Fathers in the intervention and comparison groups liked the convenience of the home visits and validation of their role as a father. Fathers in the intervention group liked the tailored feedback about play.

For a limited time only, we have received permission to download this one article as a sample of what the IMHJ contains.

For a one-year subscription www.WAIMH. org under membership.


From the Field: Infant Mental Health Journal


Weatherston, Deborah,
United States

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