WAIMH membership 2021

The WAIMH membership year is January-December irrespective of when you make the membership payment.

There are various ways to renew your WAIMH membership via online payments: You can either choose the autorenewal option or renew the membership manually each year. You can also make a two year payment, which has to be renewed manually every two years.

The fee for the Infant Mental Health Journal (IMHJ) varies, as the publisher Wiley sometimes makes changes. We have now developed a system whereby you need to order IMHJ separately from the WAIMH Store on a yearly basis. Members will be able to order the journal at a highly reduced rate, and you can choose a paper version with online access or an online access option only.

Once you have signed up for or renewed your membership you can go to the WAIMH Store and subscribe to the Infant Mental Health Journal at a reduced rate. Note that new membership applications need first to be approved.

Become a member or renew your membership: https://waimh.org/general/custom.asp?page=membership

Security note

WAIMH wants to ensure the security of the WAIMH members’ data, WAIMH announcements and the website. Due to the large amount of spam email with deceptively real-looking sender’s addresses, all personal email addresses have been removed from the WAIMH website. You can contact us via the Contact Us Form: https://waimh.org/general/?type=CONTACT

Please note: WAIMH or WAIMH Board members DO NOT ask for money from members.