Perspectives in Infant Mental Health: Special issue call for papers Infant Mental Public Health Promotion and Policy: Prioritising infant mental health in public health – the why and the how

Call for expression of interest to contribute to this special issue.

We welcome interdisciplinary papers with a focus on infant mental health promotion and policy at all organisational levels with specific attention to, for example:

Sustaining an intergenerational lens on IMH promotion and public health policy

  • Barriers and enablers to IMH promotion and policy advocacy
  • Approaches that work, how they work, in what context, with examples
  • Context-specific case studies
  • IMH and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) 2030
  • IMH and the social determinants of health
  • Implementation of the Nurturing Care Framework 2018 (WHO)

All contributing authors will be invited to engage in a core set of reflective questions about:

  1. “how” change in the science to practice – policy translation process worked, was challenged and or compromised (no matter how small or grand), and
  2. Context-specific and possible context transferable IMH health promotion/policy practices.


  • Call for brief abstracts (400 words) (June to December 8, 2021)
  • Full paper submissions (December – February 2022)
  • Special issue publication: April 2022

 Call for expressions of interest

  • 400 word (max) abstract
  • Due date: 8 December 2021
  • Email header: Perspectives special issue IMH promotion and policy abstract
  • Email to:

Keep an eye on this webpage as we will add resources and links relevant to this forthcoming special issue.

Any general enquires about this special issue, please direct to:

Maree Foley (Editor-in-Chief Perspectives in Infant Mental Health): email