WAIMH Perspectives IMH Intern Editor – Vacancy

The WAIMH Perspectives IMH team have an opening for the role of intern editor.


This role is for a WAIMH member, or WAIMH Affiliate member, and/or, an actively engaged IMH professional, who is also,

  1. Currently engaged in an IMH training programme, and/or,
  2. Been a recipient colleague of the WAIMH Sponsor a Delegate program.


The role is part-time, unpaid, and involves a few hours a month. Tasks include, sourcing current IMH-related material with some administrative tasks. There are also opportunities to contribute and publish one’s own writing and research updates to Perspectives IMH.


The idea for offering internships arose from understanding the process of community engagement within the overarching editorial process, and in conjunction, appreciating the journey on route to becoming engaged as a professional with WAIMH.

First, the editorial process involves both technical expertise and relationship building. That is, in addition to sourcing, preparing, and publishing papers, one of the outcomes of the editorial process is engagement with the WAIMH membership as well as allied professionals.

Second, the professional journey of joining the extended WAIMH community is made somewhat easier with global technology. However, this ease is not a substitute for supported relationship building and connection. Many of us arrive at WAIMH as established professionals who are on a pathway to bridge our existing professional base with the interdisciplinary base of IMH.

Finally, the over-arching goal is to leverage Perspectives IMH as a base from which to provide opportunities to engage with the wider IMH community beyond one’s local area and to also connect with new members about what they are seeing and noticing in our field.

We aim to grow this initiative so that interns at any one time represent different regions across the globe.

Application Process

Potential candidates are invited to email their application to the Editor-in-Chief, with the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Country
  4. IMH Training Program you have and or attending
  5. Sponsor a Delegate: Year and congress attended (if applicable)
  6. WAIMH member: yes or no
  7. Name of WAIMH Affiliate: (if applicable)
  8. A 1 or 2-paragraph brief about what you would bring to this role.
  9. 1 paragraph about the areas of IMH that are of most interest to you.
  10. Please also provide a one or two-page CV

Please direct any queries to the Editor-in-Chief, Maree Foley: perspectives@waimh.org

The due date for applications: 3 October 2023