Dear WAIMH members,
The WAIMH 2024 Interim World Congress is approaching, and we are excited that we will be welcoming you to Tampere, the hometown of the Central Office, in just a few weeks.
Here you can find some information about the upcoming Congress, along with other recent Office news.
WAIMH 2024 Interim World Congress
This year, WAIMH will be holding an Interim World Congress in order to resume the pattern of WAIMH World Congresses occurring in even years. It will take place from 5-7 June 2024 in Tampere, Finland under the theme: Looking for the Best Care for Babies, Young Children, and Their Families.
Places left are limited, so if you are planning to join us for WAIMH 2024, make sure to book your tickets today!
Discounted hotel rates are available to the Congress delegates in selected hotels near the Congress venue, Tampere Hall. The hotels are all located within a 15-minute walk of the venue. The discount codes are valid only until the beginning of May 2024, so you may want to book your accommodation well in advance.
Remember that, as WAIMH members, you are entitled to a reduced registration fee for the Congress. You can renew your membership or join WAIMH online at WAIMH website.

WAIMH Membership Meeting 2024
The WAIMH 2024 membership meeting will be held in person at the Interim Congress in Tampere. It will take place on Thursday 6 June at 16.00-16.30 in the Small Auditorium of Tampere Hall. All members of WAIMH are invited.
- Call to order
- Approval of Minutes of the 2023 Membership Meeting, Dublin
- Presidential report and report on Board activities since Dublin, 2023
- Financial Report and Central Office Report
- Affiliate Council Report
- Action plan for 2024-2026
- WAIMH 19th World Congress 2026
- Closing of the meeting
Other news from the Office
Election result – Two new WAIMH Executive Committee members have been elected
The new WAIMH Board members for the years 2024-2028 are David Oppenheim and Julie Ribaudo.
We would also very much like to thank the other candidates, Nicole Letourneau and Robert Meeder, for agreeing to be nominated, and for their enthusiastic and important contributions to the activities of WAIMH.
Altogether 1120 WAIMH members were eligible to vote in the election which took place 5 February–3 March 2024, and some 20% of members cast their vote.
Thank you very much to WAIMH members who voted in the election.
World Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Day (WICAMHD) 2024
23 April is declared as World Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Day (WICAMHD) by 4 organizations:
- The World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH)
- The World Psychiatric Association Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section (WPA-CAP)
- The International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP)
- The International Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP)
The WICAMHD 2024 webinar was held on Tuesday 23 April under the theme: In Their Own Words: Bridges to Understanding Mental Health.
The webinar is recorded and available on the IACAPAP YouTube channel.
Find out more about WICAMHD at:
Resources for WAIMH members
We would also like to remind you of some ongoing online resources for WAIMH members and all our infant mental health colleagues:
WAIMH eBook Vol 1: Global Perspectives on the Transdisciplinary Field of Infant Mental Health 1993–2021
This WAIMH eBook provides readers with a nearly three-decade-long window from which to view theories, interventions, and treatment practices within the specialized and interdisciplinary field of infant mental health.
It does this by highlighting a representative selection of papers, published by WAIMH, in The Signal and Perspectives in Infant Mental Health, from 1993-2021.
Current WAIMH members can download this eBook for free through the WAIMH Online Store, and for others the cost is 10 USD.
Laying the Path for Lifelong Wellness Lecture Series 2022
In 2022, the Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion (IEMHP) organization at The Hospital for Sick Children partnered with WAIMH and Tampere University to develop and launch a 15-part online series that brings together experts in infant and early mental health from around the world.
Due to increased interest in the series, the access was recently extended until December 31, 2025 for everyone.
Read more about the Lecture Series and register at:
Contact Us
We are here for you!
Give us your feedback any time or email us if you have any questions about the Congress, membership or other WAIMH related issues:
With best wishes from the Office team,
Neea, Kaija & Reija