WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. Paper submission

WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health welcomes papers at any time throughout the year. However, if you are seeking to publish your paper within a certain issue, these are the submission dates for each main issue:

April issue

Submissions received by 1 January will be reviewed for possible inclusion in this issue.

August issue

Submissions received by 1 May will be reviewed for possible inclusion in this issue.

December issue  

Submissions received by 1 September will be reviewed for possible inclusion in this issue.

Potential infant mental health (IMH) content areas

Examples of content areas for papers include infant mental health focused:

  • Clinical practice conversations
  • Research – especially pilot programs
  • Reflective practice and supervision
  • Training experiences
  • Theory to practice papers
  • Organizational/management matters

Submission categories

  • Research Papers (max 3000 words, including references)
  • Clinical Papers (max 3000 words, including references)
  • Professional Development (max 3000 words, including references)
  • Community Voices (max 800 words, including references)
  • Letters (max 800 words, including references)
  • Opinion pieces/Policy/Advocacy (max 1000 words, including references)
  • Book Review (max 800 words, including references)

Formatting your paper submission

  • APA 7th Edition.
  • 12-point font.
  • 1.5 or double-spaced.
  • All in-text citations, references, tables, and figures must be in APA 7th edition format.
  • Papers with tables and figures: Please submit the paper as a Word-format document with separate files attached for each table and/or figure.
  • All photos must be sent in a separate file with a resolution of at least 72 pixels/inch.
  • All photos need to include:
    • A permission statement from the author/s for WAIMH to publish the photo in Perspectives and on all WAIMH printed and online platforms.
    • A Photo Credit (if known).
  • All research papers must contain the Ethics Approval Reference Number and Ethics Approval Body Name.

Further enquiries

To inquire about Perspectives in Infant Mental Health or to submit articles, please contact:

Jane Barlow (Editor-in-Chief)

Email: perspectives@waimh.org