The Interim WAIMH World Congress for Infant Mental Health took place in Tampere, Finland on the 5th to 7th June 2024. The call for poster presentation submissions in the scientific and clinical categories was well received, with over 200 submissions of poster abstracts received by the scientific review committee. During the congress, 150 posters were presented and delegates had the opportunity to view the poster presentations and engage with presenters on their work. The poster awards committee consisted of Dr Maree Foley and Ms Salisha Maharaj from WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health team together with the Chair of the Review Panel, Dr Minna Sorsa. Reviewing took place in two phases, a paper-based review of the poster abstracts and a review of the posters at the congress site. The evaluation criteria were related to the significance of the presented content, the way of presenting and the way the poster looked.
Nominees and Winner of the Scientific Poster Award
- Fathers’ Internal Experiences in an NICU in Japan by Sota Koike from Kanazawa University (Nominee)
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Infant Mental Health: Addressing Disparities in Perinatal Mental Health among Black Mothers and Birthing People by Tracey Estriplet-Adams from Fielding Graduate University (Nominee)
- “Home Within the Heart” – A Family Play-Based Intervention to Enhance Familial Resilience and Belonging for Displaced Families by Yael Enav and Yael Mayer from University of Haifa (Winner)

Nominees and Winner of the Clinical Poster Award
- Child-Parent Psychotherapy in Sweden and Norway – Dissemination through a Clinical and Academic Training Collaborative, Research and the Formation of a Nordic Network by Karin Pernebo et al., from Department of Research and Development, Region Kronoberg & Department of Psychology, Linnaeus university, Sweden (Nominee)
- WHO Baby and Family Friendly Initiative in Helsinki Maternity and Child Health Clinics by Nina Kivilaakso from City of Helsinki, Finland (Nominee)
- Para-counsellors in Community-Based Play Labs: Reducing Mental Health Stigma and Promoting Socio-Emotional Development of Children by Tabassum Amina from BRAC Institute of Educational Development, Bangladesh (Winner)

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Perspectives in Infant Mental Health is looking forward to receiving manuscripts of nominees and winners for consideration for publication.
Salisha Maharaj
WAIMH Perspectives Assistant Editor
South Africa