Dear WAIMH Members,
Although the general wellbeing globally increases, the infants and their families suffer in many situations, in many countries and in many ways. For succeeding in its goals to help infants worldwide, WAIMH needs now a valuable contribution from all of you. Every member of WAIMH has received an email concerning Board Member Nominations.
The email included a Call for Nominations from the President of WAIMH Antoine Guedeney and a Nomination form for WAIMH Board of Directors. Now you have a possibility to nominate candidates for three new members of the Board of Directors of WAIMH for the term 2009-2012. The nominee must be a member of WAIMH and willing to serve WAIMH in promoting the wellbeing of infants worldwide. So we need three active, enthusiastic, dynamic and innovative infant mental health researchers or clinicians to work in the Board of Directors of WAIMH.
If anyone has any kind of problems with opening of the nomination materials, please, contact Minna Sorsa here in WAIMH Finland Office (
Kaukonen, Pälvi,
Executive Director,
Sorsa, Minnna,
Administrative Assistant,
Yampere, Finland