From the Kauppi Campus: Information and News from the Central Office

Dear members,

Last year WAIMH got a new appearance through the new website design. It is not only a design of the web-page, but a thoroughly new way of handling different areas and tasks of the Association. The website is now connected to WAIMH membership register. This means that members can renew their membership and new members can register online. Members can also update their own information themselves, so now you can change your own contact information immediately yourself when needed. For doing this, members only need their username and password.

By being members you get automatically our membership journal, the Signal, which is distributed to all members electronically 3-4 times yearly. In addition you can order the Infant Mental Health Journal (IMHJ) at a special price at the same time you join or renew your membership. The Journal is published by Wiley, and comes out six times every year. If you have experienced difficulties in ordering the IMHJ in connection to membership renewal, you can order it separately with the membership price by contacting the Office.

The new website is still under construction. Many of the features of the new software are not ready, for example for the affiliate web-page we have all the data in the system, but the data is not yet available for members for search purposes. On the positive side it means that the website can be developed according to your suggestions and wishes. It could have more features, for example contain discussion forums, or educational parts. We are sorry for any possible inconvenience that the ongoing construction of the new website may have caused.

All three of us working part-time for the Office are currently busy with the WAIMH Leipzig Congress. We have over 900 accepted abstracts, and hope the event will attract as wide an audience as possible. The programme of the Leipzig congress is very rich and the congress itself will be a great event for the development of infant mental health research and clinical practice. It will also provide us all the opportunity to meet friends and colleagues from all over the world and have fun together. No doubt there will be lots of music!

Hope to see as many of you as possible in Leipzig.


From the Kauppi Campus: Information and News from the Central Office


Kaukonen, Pälvi,
Puura, Kaija,
Sorsa, Minna,

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