Robert N. Emde, is Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine, in the US, and currently serves on the faculty at the Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health in the Colorado School of Public Health.
His CV lists over 300 publications in the fields of early socio-emotional development, sleep research, infant mental health, diagnostic classification, early moral development, evaluation of early childhood intervention, psychoanalysis, behavioral genetics, and research education.
He served as President of the World Association of Infant Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines from 1986-1989 and currently serves as Honorary President of WAIMH. He has also served as President of the Society for Research in Child Development and on the boards of many organizations that deal with infant development, mental health and research training.
Bob Emdes Plenary is titled “Infant Psychiatry and the Origins of WAIMH; Remarkable early contributions that energized our field”
The presentation will address the following questions. Why did Infant Psychiatry, for many a worrisome designation, become a rallying point for our field? Why were psychoanalysts early leaders? Why were our congresses from the start international, being centered in Europe? The presentation will examine historical trends leading up to the first World Congresses of our organization and its two influential volumes “The Frontiers of Infant Psychiatry”. It will also remind us of vital contributions given then of some pioneers who are no longer with us now, but continue to inspire and lead us with questions.

Bob Emde as a Plenary Speaker at 15th World Congress of WAIMH
United States