Vol. 23 No.1-2 Winter 2015 – From the Editors

This Double Issue has been put together with great enthusiasm and an abundance of care. The editorial staff provided lots of suggestions and feedback; the authors submitted papers that represent a great deal of hard work, provoking us to think more deeply about research, community, policy and practice focusing on the developmental and relationship needs of infants and very young children. We thank them for their contributions.

Miri Keren, discusses the policy work that WAIMH has been engaged in for the past 3 months in her President’s Column. The World in WAIMH introduces Niels Rygaard, a Danish consulting psychologist who raises important questions about infancy research in his article, “ Infant Mental Health in the Global Village.” Connie Lillas, a family therapist and analyst from Southern California and Mary Ann Marchel, research faculty from the University of Minnesota Duluth, challenge traditional research assumptions and practices in their paper in which they look at dynamic systems theory and its influence on research, cultural disparities, and shifts that support the IMH field. Kaija Puura, Associate Director, provides a window into her recent journey to Fukishima where she discovered again the power of community to support the healing process. Maree Foley and Ana Huber, Affiliates Council Chair and Representative, respectively, bring news about affiliates around the world. Angela McLaughlin features the work of masters and doctoral students in infant mental health research. Finally, in recognition of the Infant Mental Health Journal and its contributions to our work, and with permission, we invite readers to read one article from the first issue of the IMHJ, Through the Eyes of a New Dad: Experiences of First-Time Fathers of Late-Preterm Infants; Karen M Benzies, University of Calgary, Canada and Joyce Magill-Evans, University of Alberta, Canada Infant Mental Health Journal, Vol. 36(1), 78-87 (2015).

Clearly, WAIMH’s perspective is worldwide. An inclusive organization working on behalf of the wellbeing of all babies, their families and communities, we invite comments and contributions from all over the world. Be sure to share WAIMH Perspectives, an open source document, with others in your social media networks.


Vol. 23 No.1-2 Winter 2015 – From the Editors


Weatherston, Deborah J.,
Michigan, USA,
Fitzgerald, Hiram E.,
Associate Editor,
Michigan, USA,
Foley, Maree,
Associate Editor,
New Zealand,
Sparrow, Joshua,
Huber, Anna,
McLaughlin, Angela,
Contributing Editors

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